Welcome to my Website....
This site is about pipe organs. It is not about toasters, yaks or Ethel Merman. If you are interested in the King of Instruments, then this site may have something to offer you. If, however, you are not, then Hot Belgian Fishwives or a similar site may be more to your liking.
I am an organist, currently living in the UK. I am interested in just about anything related to the pipe organ (except cinema organs).
There are currently sixteen galleries on public view in my photo album. The latest, of Lincoln Cathedral is currently undergoing alteration, in order to make the images larger. I hope to have this completed shortly.
This is the console of the instrument on which I play each week. The organ was last rebuilt by J. W. W. Walker in 1965. Possibly the most notable feature is the chamade trumpet rank on the Positive Organ. It is a superb instrument, although it speaks into a rather dry acoustic. Apart from lacking gravitas (in the shape of a Pedal 32ft.), the scheme is fairly comprehensive. The stop list can be found on the Minster Organ page.
You are most welcome to use the facilities here - post messages, chat on-line, post subjects for discussion, view galleries and generally make yourselves at home.
If you have visited in the past, you may notice that I have actually got around to updating my website. There are several new galleries and a new section, the Gazetteer. This has been split into sections, due to size restrictions on a page. I have attempted to organise it into geographical areas. However, I am aware that the alphabetical list promised has yet to materialise. I hope to complete this task before the end of January. (However, you may have noticed that I did not specify which January....)
I intend to add to the Gazetteer from time to time.
I can be contacted at pcnd5584@gmail.com if you have comments or questions. Alternatively, you can post a message in the guestbook.
I hope that you enjoy your stay....